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Understanding the DVR Training Grant Calculator Form

Updated: March 2024


To provide an explanation of how calculations are made using the DVR Training Grant.


To help staff and consumers understand:

  • What is included in the DVR Cost of Attendance.
  • What is included in the Financial Aid Office (FAO) Cost of Attendance.
  • How DVR Unmet Need is Determined.
  • How the calculations are adjusted:
    • When there are no additional living expenses approved by DVR.
    • When additional living expenses are approved by DVR.
    • For private or out-of-state school attendance.
    • For graduate school attendance.
    • For students receiving Social Security Benefits for their own disability.
    • When need based scholarships and/or grants are identified as a resource.
    • When there is an identified expected family contribution identified as a resource.
  • When an exception request might be requested

Internal Info Center  (DVR Staff only)

DVR Cost of Attendance

DVR has defined cost of attendance as the following:

  • Tuition and Fees
  • Books and Supplies
  • Transportation
  • Dependent Care Expenses
  • Other Costs Required (costs specifically required by the school/program to participate)

FAO Cost of Attendance

The FAO cost of attendance is the amount of the following items added together. These are the items included in the financial aid calculation and identified for each student by the FAO.

  • Tuition and Fees
  • Books and Supplies
  • Transportation
  • Room and Board*
  • Personal/Miscellaneous*
  • Dependent Care Expenses
  • Other Costs Required (Not loan fees)*

*DVR will only consider the portion of the consumer resources (need based grants, scholarships and/or expected family contribution) that is equal to the percentage of the DVR costs of attendance when determining DVR unmet need. This means most consumers will received more of the DVR training grant award.

DVR Unmet Need

DVR unmet need is calculated by subtracting the Resources/Financial Aids Total from the DVR Cost of Attendance:

DVR Unmet Need Calculation
Tuition and Fees
Books and Supplies
Dependent Care Expenses
+ Other Costs Required
Need Based Scholarships, Grants and
Expected Family Contribution
= DVR Unmet Need

Note: The DVR Training Grant offered typically equals the DVR unmet need, not to exceed $6,000.00 per academic school year

No Additional Living Expenses

The DVR cost of attendance is the amount of the following items added together if additional living expenses is checked "No":

  • Tuition and Fees
  • Books and Supplies
  • Transportation
  • Dependent Care Expenses
  • Other Costs Required

Additional Living Expenses

The DVR cost of attendance is the amount of the following items added together if additional living expenses is checked "Yes":

  • Tuition and Fees
  • Books and Supplies
  • Transportation
  • Room and Board
  • Personal/Miscellaneous
  • Dependent Care Expenses
  • Other Costs Required

Private or Out-of-State School Attendance

Calculations for private or out of state school attendance include:

  • The DVR cost of attendance and the DVR unmet need are calculated as outlined above.
  • Additional living expenses will always be "No".
  • Private school/out-of-state school Approved:
    • Students may receive a DVR training grant equal to the DVR unmet need, not to exceed $6,000 per academic year.
  • Private/out-of-state school Denied:
    • All students may receive a DVR training grant equal to the DVR unmet need, not to exceed $6,000.00 per academic year. The grant is capped at $6,000.

Graduate School Attendance

Calculations for graduate school attendance include:

  • The DVR cost of attendance and the DVR unmet need are calculated as outlined above.
  • Students may receive a DVR training grant equal to the DVR unmet need, not to exceed $6,000 per academic year.

Note: When the Training Grant form is marked "Y" for graduate school, the funding for credits is calculated at a higher rate due to the higher cost of attendance for graduate school. The formula is weighted to provide a higher funding level for graduate school credits. No matter the number of credits entered, the Training Grant amount max will be $6,000 per academic year.

Students Receiving Social Security Benefits for their Own Disability

DVR cannot require a DVR consumer/student receiving Social Security benefits to fund services included in their Individual Plan for Employment. DVR can use comparable benefits to offset costs including need based scholarships and grants identified by financial aid. DVR will not use funds identified as an Expected Family Contribution as a resource in calculating the DVR unmet need for these students.

DVR can use a fee schedule to determine costs. DVR students attending private or out of state school will have the DVR cost of attendance capped at the University of Wisconsin cost.

Unmet Need Calculation for a student receiving Social Security Benefits:

Unmet Need Calculation for a student receiving Social Security Benefits
Tuition and Fees
Books and Supplies
Dependent Care Expenses
+ Other Costs Required
Need Based Scholarships and Grants = DVR Unmet Need

Exception Request

If the DVR Unmet Need/DVR Training Grant offered equals $0 or is less than what a student requires, students should be encouraged to go back to their school's Financial Aid Office to discuss possible changes to their FASFA information budget and resources identified.

FAOs might adjust the cost of attendance to reflect the student's specific circumstances and increase the budget amounts or eligibility for financial aid. This could allow for additional funds to be made available by financial aid. FAOs might also not increase the budget, and in those instances, DVR can review the request and the student can submit an exception request. If the exception request is denied, DVR must provide the student their appeal rights.

For CPA Grant information please refer to CPA Training Funds (DVR Staff only)